Dr Shelah Harris Ph.D
4 min readAug 8, 2020



The title of this article represents a thought-provoking comment on one of my videos. I have to respond as some of you may have thought the same. So below, you will find my reply to the sender.

My Response

It all depends on what your definition of God is. God is not an image that humans create in their mind through beliefs of many types.

Instead, it is the conglomerate of forces that governs our universe from which various science arise. The power that pumps blood throughout our bodily systems, as well as beat the heart of humanity is what I consider to be a force we call God. That is, in truth, the force we should call God, though, over time, humans have devised many forms as well as idols they call God. God is therefore a force, not images formed in our mental world.

Science is the study of the source of creation — in short, how things perceived through our five senses created. Science studies the interaction of different forces at the level of the tangible object such as body parts and how they behave and interact with one another. Once sufficient and consistent evidence is gathered to show the relationship between cause and effects, science reveals a segment of nature’s law. The key here is a segment rather than the whole. Hence, science is man’s quest to unravel the laws that govern our universe. It does not in any shape holds the answers about everything, though humanity may rely on its evidence to guide our evolution in a managed manner to secure a guaranteed outcome. I can, therefore understand why humanity wants the assurance of science. In our world of physicality, there are way too many beliefs and concepts which undeniably pose significant risks for which controls and boundaries are required.

Therefore, I understand why humanity will choose to lean on science. But there is the opposite side to those who may want to revere science as the embodiment of truth. I am not in any way attempting to belittle science. We have to put things in the right perspective if we are to progress holistically. By holistically I mean, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.

While science matters, we also know science has not uncovered the entire laws that govern humanity. Hence, we are still searching for solutions to cure many diseases- coronavirus is the most recent of them. To date, there are no scientists that could explain the cause of Fibroids. If science were the be-all and end-all, we would all have pills we can drink to cure all ailments.

Understandably, we want to guard against useless philosophies that bear little benefits to our lives. We want to safeguard humanity from ignorance that could create unhealthy results in our life. We want assurance of results.

But conversely, we are yet to understand the wisdom that is locked internally in some of us, that gives access to higher knowledge. Let gets this straight out of the door, science has not cured many of our societal ailments. It is certainly not a universal embodiment of truth until it does so.

Science is still uncovering nature’s laws. I see science and God co-existing up to a point. The fact that science has discovered some of nature’s law is my proof of that. However, where discovery has not been made, it is a sure sign that science has not yet attained the form to gain the insight of those areas. Spiritual texts abound that guard humanity against the foolishness of unforgiveness, hate and sadness. Science has helped humanity understand the cause and effect relationships of the law of love. We now know the physical ailment that could result with defects at the level of our emotional, mental and spiritual body due to lack of love. It is doubtful science will discover all of the laws, if the embodiment of love is not practised in their personal life.

It will be an act of foolishness to believe science holds the key to our lives. If we define God as a force that governs nature, science is that force within nature, itself seeking to unravel and understand the laws of nature. It has made some progress for sure, and we should celebrate that. All of us can become part of science.

Perhaps, science will gain more entrance into understanding natures laws by adopting the approaches of our Sages. Sages have said the force of love is the highest vibration to contact higher consciousness.

If humanity wants to understand nature, it cannot bypass the force of love. To end, God is the force of LOVE and Science is the study of the energy that governs the universe, and it impacts on human lives. The two co-exist but humanity confuses these concepts with religion. Science will gain more knowledge about nature when it becomes equivalent to that which it is seeking to understand. For instance, if I want to know you intimately, I have to win your heart and become close to you. I have to like what you like and hate what you hate. We have to become similar. As soon as we are in the same qualities of any part of nature, we access the code of nature- this is what we call Science in our world. We should rid ourselves from the notion that God is a person sitting in a hidden place waiting to be found. God is a force that permeates the entire universe. Its laws are orderly and unchanging. Science is the study that seeks to understand the laws and their consequences on us to enable us to manage our lives better. God and Science are, therefore, essential subjects in our world.




Dr Shelah Harris Ph.D

A spiritual self- help teacher and author 0f ‘A Conversation With The Sages’ under penn name Sara Ahavah. Visit my website http://sarainnerhealing.com for blogs